April 13, 2020

Psychology Facts

1.If you announce your goals to others, you will never achieve success.

2.Last person in your mind while sleeping is a person who made you happy or sad.

3.Our mind rewrites the boring speeches of boring people to sound it interesting.

4. The music you listen affects the way you perceive the world.

5.Convincing yourself makes half of your worries to run away.

6.More you spent on others, you will be happy.

7. 95% people text the things they don’t say in person.

8. Your favourite song is your favourite because you find the emotion in it.

9. Your decision is rational when you think in the other language.

10. Smart people underestimate themselves, idiots think they are too brilliant.

11. Stress level is higher in between 18-33 age.

12. Money spent on trips will teach you many things.

13. Singing and boxing reduce anxiety.

14. Our heart has nothing to do the feeling of ‘’falling in love.’’ It is the chemical reaction of the brain.

15. Some of us are afraid to be happy since we think the tragedy may come after it.

16. The brain treats rejection as physical pain.

17. It takes only 5 minutes to fall in love.

18. When you remember the past, you are remembering the last time when you remembered it.

19. Our brain keeps on replaying the happiest memories all the time.

20. When you are single, you will find happy couples. When you are a couple, you will find happy singles.

21. If you have a crush on someone, the brain finds the way to express.

22. You can remember only 1-2 things at a time.

23. You make 99% decisions unconsciously.

24. No brain is multi-tasking. It is a myth.


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