September 28, 2020



People walk silently throughout their life.

With the closed eyes and bowed head.

On the single path.

They do not know their end and result.


They are told to keep walking.

They do not bother the result.

They do not care about the process.

They keep on walking tirelessly.


While walking, they see many twisted turns on the road.

They do not bother to take the turn.

They keep walking.

Only the fearless man.


Dares to take the turn on the road.

To change his life.

Else rest fearful people.

Keep on walking on the instructed road.


With the closed eyes and bowed head.

With the endless pain in the mind.

Their life could have been changed.

If they had chosen to take the turn on road…




September 27, 2020

Tiny facts-3

 Elon musk all set to insert the chip in a human brain with the help of Neuralink Technology

September 25, 2020

Tiny facts-2

 Nissan's brain-to-vehicle technology will help the vehicle to control their motion with the help of the human brain signals.

September 21, 2020

#Tiny Facts#

95% of the human brain is been controlled by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind lives in present. It has no future or past. It doesn't understand good or bad things. It records everything in our daily activities. Hence, don't ever try to think in a negative way at all.