September 27, 2020


Tiny facts-3

 Elon musk all set to insert the chip in a human brain with the help of Neuralink Technology

September 25, 2020

Tiny facts-2

 Nissan's brain-to-vehicle technology will help the vehicle to control their motion with the help of the human brain signals.

September 21, 2020

#Tiny Facts#

95% of the human brain is been controlled by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind lives in present. It has no future or past. It doesn't understand good or bad things. It records everything in our daily activities. Hence, don't ever try to think in a negative way at all.

September 20, 2020

Bhagavad Gita in 108 Lines

Marvels from Bhagavadgita

108 wonders that will change a life.

Mahabharat began at the moment when the description of every warrior with their strengths from the Pandava army and Kaurav army was shared with the Dhritarashtra by Sanjay.

Arjun and Pandava army had entered the battle. Arjuna urged Krishna to take his chariot in the middle of the ground so that he can get the clear look about the armed man and their weapons. Krishna took the chariot in the middle of the both Kaurav and Pandav armies and he appealed to Arjun to have a wide look of armed forces. Arjun looked around and he found that all the Kaurav army are his relatives. Seeing the presence of relatives on the battlefield, Arjun got shattered and he felt that there is no bravery in fighting with the relatives and win the battle. Hence, he decided to keep the arms down in the war. Krishna urged Arjuna to drop negative thinking and get ready for the war. Even after the words of Lord Krishna, Arjuna decided to quit. After that, he urged Krishna to guide him and clear his doubts. He requested Krishna to clear his anxiety and dilemma state of mind in the middle of the battlefield. Lord Krishna started explaining to him the marvels.


1.    Childhood, youth and old age are the phases of soul. The soul never dies nor it is killed. It keeps on transforming from one body to other.

2.    Soul is the clothing for our body. As we change the clothes, the soul keeps on changing the body.

3.    Man, who is wise enough to control his duel state of mind achieves the eternal serenity.

4.    Soul is birthless and immortal.

5.    Fighting in the battle is a heaven for all the warriors.

6.    Following the path of dharma (right path) is never wasted.

7.    Try to stay away from material desires.

8.    Try to control all your instant sense gratification and see the magic.

9.    Stay with the truth.

10.     Perform your duty and the service but never expect any output from it. Perform your duty, rest of all, leave it to god.

11.     Your duties should be well disciplined and controlled.

12.     Doing yoga is the best medicine to get rid of from all pressures and attachments.

13.     Yoga helps you to find divine consciousness.

14.     Never get overjoyed by the success and never get disheartened by the failure.

15.     Man, who does not get affected by the success and failure is near to me.

16.     Man, who is free from all the fear, anger, desires, and sufferings never gets affected by anyway.

17.     Keep your senses in your control else senses will control you.

18.     Practice yoga to achieve the ultimate serenity.

19.     Practising yoga will free your mind from all the pleasure attachments and desires.

20.     Remember your mind is your biggest muscle rather than your energy.

21.     Your mind can guide you as well as it can destroy you too.

22.     Doing yoga will help you to control your mind and it will ignite your subconscious mind.

23.     Do not keep any attachments to material desires and sense objects as they never get fulfilled.

24.     More attachment to material desires create more expectations and in case of desires are not fulfilled, it creates anger and frustration.

25.     Stay away from all the sense attachments. It never provides ultimate satisfaction to our mind.

26.     More attachment to the material desires, it keeps on increasing.

27.     Attachments to the material desires are never fulfilled.

28.     Unfulfilled material desires create anger and anger destroys peace of mind.

29.     Attain the self-control overall desires and attachments.

30.     Self-control attracts god’s grace.

31.     God’s grace ends all the sorrows.

32.     Practice the disciplined life.

33.   A disciplined man knows properly to control his needs and desires.

34.     Discipline man stays under the limits.

35.     Disciplined life leads to ultimate happiness.

36.     Anger is not good for health.

37.     Anger attracts all the negative energy and it destroys the state of mind.

38.     Controlling the mind is not easy. Practice the yoga to control your mind.

39.     No matter the situation looks difficult, you will find the way. Every problem has a solution.

40.     No problem and situation can change your state of mind unless and until you allow it to change.

41.     Give up all the desires, greed, ownership, and attachment senses and see magic. You will attain peace.

42.     At the end of the life, soul gives up all the fulfilment desires, gets liberated from the birth cycle.

43.     It is always better to perform your duties rather than sitting idle and doing nothing.

44.     Work without any attachment. You will be released from the Karmic bond.

45.     Time when all the things are out of control on the earth, wrong things are at its peak, people have lost their mind, greed and desire attachment is rising, and adharma( wrong path) has been increasing lord takes birth on the earth and his duty is to re-establish the dharma( right path) and kill all the evils on the earth.

46.      Man is eligible to please the god through sacrifices and the chanting.

47.     God hears his devotees chanting and sacrifices.

48.     Sacrifices and chanting also purify the nature.

49.     Be the self-realized person.

50.     Life of a disciplined man is followed in the world.

51.     Be the knowledgeable person. Knowledge is never wasted. The knowledgeable person knows about the right and wrong things.

52.     Remember me (Lord), meditate me (Lord), surrender to me (Lord) you will find the way.

53.     Stay away from lust. It is the biggest enemy of the world.

54.     Excessive desires and lust make you blind.

55.     Improve your spiritual power with sacrifices and chanting. As spiritual power controls all the desires and lust.

56.     Lord is present in all the things on earth. He is not located only in the temple.

57.     People who surrender to god, they always find the solution.

58.     People who are behind material success should sacrifice and worship the Lord. They will get the reward.

59.     There is nothing without sacrifice.

60.     When you sleep, talk, walk, smell, drink it is not you but there are material senses inside you that are interacting with all these senses.

61.     Dedicate your work to the god, you will achieve peace.

62.     Do not expect much pleasure from sense organs.

63.     Your mind is your friend when you control it. Else, it is your enemy.

64.     For a controlled mind, happiness and sorrow are same.

65.     Balanced food, work and sleep are necessary for a good life to control all the difficulties.

66.     God is responsible for everything on earth.

67.     Karma yogi is the blessed man. Since he is working without any attachment. He controls his senses and his mind. His spiritual power is also at the peak.

68.     Everything on the earth starts and ends to the Lord.

69.     God exists in taste of water, brightness of the sun, ability of a man, Vedic mantras, and sound.

70.     God loves pure devotion in any kind of material offerings.

71.     People who are free from Moha-Maya are nearer to the god.

72.     Remember, the mental condition of the soul at the end of life is carried at his next birth cycle.

73.     Remember Krishna at every aspect of life.

74.     Lord Brahma’s day consist of thousand yugas and night consists of other thousand yugas. People are born during the day period of lord Brahma.

75.     Remember, as you perform your actions (Karma) you will achieve the results. You perform good actions (Karma), you will get good results. Do not harm others for your material desire fulfillment. If your actions are wrong and cruel, you will get back the same consequences. Hence, in Kalyug, be good, think good, do good, you will get back good things. Also remember, you cannot bi-pass your Karma output. (Karma is much cruel then other natural calamities in Kalyug).

76.     Everything in this world is done as per the instructions of God.

77.     Worship the god with the mantras and pure devotion. If it is not possible, help the poor and needy people. God will bless you.

78.     God is a friend of all the devotees who worship him with pure devotion.

79.     God is present in every aspect of human beings and the animals on earth.

80.     Mind is purified just by remembering the Krishna with pure devotion.

81.     Remember, nothing is permanent in Kalyug.

82.     God is present in every season. He is the rain, he is the winter, he is the summer, he is literature, he is a science, fame, speech, money, and joy.

83.     God (Krishna) is a time.

84.     Krishna is present in food, metal, air, fire, and light.

85.      Krishna is a spark in the dark.

86.     Krishna is present in every emotion of human beings.

87.     No one can escape from their Karmic duties on the earth.

88.     Worship the Krishna with steady faith. He blesses his devotees.

89.     Worship the Krishna with full devotion from body and mind, he will bless you instantly.

90.     Give up the attachment to fruits of actions.

91.     Krishna loves devotee who is Karma yogi, away from the attachments, self-controlled, determined, and tolerant.

92.     Krishna also loves devotee who is not affected by external pressure, fear.

93.     Krishna loves the devotee who is never affected by any success and failure. Devotee who has an equal vision for all his friends and family. A devotee who does not show any wealth power to the world, Krishna is very nearer to him.

94.     The man who knows what to do, what not to do, where to begin and where to stop is a man blessed in the Kalyug.

95.     Soul is understood through meditation.

96.     Soul is also understood when karma is done without any attachments.

97.     Material nature consist of three modes. Sattvic, rajasic and tamasic.

98.     Rajasic mode is responsible for unlimited desires and passion.

99.     Tamasic mode is responsible for all the activities done out of the mind.

100.   Sattva mode is responsible for ultimate happiness.

101.   All human beings on earth are made of sattvic, rajasic and tamasic mode.

102.   Pure knowledge takes you to sattvic mode.

103.   More attachment to the material desires led to the rajasic mode.

104.   Darkness, greed, and dominance led to the tamasic mode.

105.   Knowledge comes from Sattva mode, foolishness from tamas and more desire for material success comes from rajasic mode.

106.   Stay away from the lust, anger, and greed. Om is the ultimate mantra to chant.

107.   Food in sattvic mode is healthy. Rajasic food gives happiness. Rajasic food is burning and spicy. It gives sufferings. Tamasic food is unhygienic and overcooked. Donate to the needy person at right time. It is the mode of goodness. In rajasic mode, money is given with the expectation of reward. Charity given without any respect is a mode of tamasic.

108.   Be free from fear. Be fearless and have a faith in the divine and never stop praying.