April 26, 2024

Time mastering

 1.50/10 rule:- Work intensely for 50 minutes, take a break for 10 minutes and repeat.

2. The 2 Minute Rule:-If a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it fast.

3.20-20-20 rule:- Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

4. 2-hour Time Block:- Allow 2 hours for the specific projects with fewer interruptions.

5 4 D rule:- Do it( if it takes less then 2 minutes); Defer it( Schedule it later); Delegate it( if someone else can do it); Delete it( If not  needed).

6. 10/10/10 rule:- Consider the consequences of the decision for 10 minutes, 10 months, 10 years. 

April 16, 2024

Indian Ayurveda Basics-2`

 Vatta Dosha, Pitta Dosha, and Kaffa Dosha are also called "Tridoshas" and they control the body's physiological functions. Ayurveda believes that our human body is composed of Saptadhatus mainly Tissue Fluid( Rassa), Meda(Fat tissue), Rakta( Blood), Asthi(Bones), Majja(Marrow), Mansa( Muscle) and Shukra ( Semen). Body consists of three mallas( Waste products) Purisha(faeces), Mutra( Urine), and Sweda(sweat).

Vatta dosha consists of cellular transport, electrolyte balance, as well as the elimination of waste products and its effects are increased by Dryness. Pitta Dosha controls body temperature, optical nerves, and hunger and thrust management. Heat conditions of the body give rise to pitta dosha.

To be continued....

April 13, 2024

Indian ayurveda basics

 Ayurveda is an ancient medical system from India.  It is said that its roots are 5000 years ago. It consists of meaning life and science. 

All the roots of the diseases faced today originate in the Indian ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, 

According to Ayurveda, the human body is composed of three doshas. Vatta, Pitta, Kapha and any imbalance in these doshas cause disease in the human body. These three doshas together regulate and control the catabolic and anabolic metabolism. 

In upcoming articles, we will see the details in detail.

Watch this space for more...


April 4, 2024

it was you

Life was a dark
Never had a fairy tale
Never had a belief
And courage 
To know myself 

And..there was light
In a dark
It was you
Holding me 
With a spark 

There was you 
Pulling strongly
Me, Out of me 
Making happily 
New me 

It was you 
Making me smile
Making me to live
Pushing me to best 
For, new me 

Boy to the man
Journey was so happy
With your lady luck 
And your charm 

Life is a happy 
Every day is new 
You make me new 
When I am with you

March 30, 2024

With you

In your smile, I am live 
Ur presence, feels me live 
Every morning, every hour 
Every day.

Scary moments, scary fear, 
Falling tears are gone away 
With your magical smile 

I am free as eagle 
With your hands 
Flying high 
Higher in the skies

Every hour is a day 
When u r away 
And .life is happy 
When Im on your way 

Days are mine
when you make me fine 
Breaking myself, for you 
Breaking myself, to get you 

Life makes me drive 
When I am with you.